The earth surprised us once again with its ability to literally shake us up with devastating earthquakes in Haiti & Chile. I also collected more scrabble words like “Eyjafjallajökull,” “Wikileaks”, “defriend”, “Glee”, and “Catastrophizing”.

In 2010 golf changed forever and so did Tiger Woods life. Oh another new word from Tiger was “priapsm”. You will have to look it up. You will also see it referenced in the advertising legal lines for Vigara. I digress.
The rains still came in summer. What summer you say. It never really appeared in Western Canada.

Another word that was overused this year was “Green.” Ever brand seems to be trying to wrap themselves with the latest green fashions. In my day, “going green” referenced what you wore once a year to the

There was also winning brands in 2010. Technology continues to drive the appetite for consumers with the likes of Apple with their new iPad, Blackberry (I am happy user) with its smart phones, Amazon with its Kindle e-reader (I have one and I love it!), Google with its Android smart phone, Facebook and the movie didn’t hurt the cause, and sadly

In difficult times this means that McDonald gets a second wind with

And I now find this long-winded blog coming to a close and wondering aloud, “how did I get to this point?” I guess a lot happens in a year and it’s important to reflect on it, not matter what.
Thank you for making 2010 another unique year. If I could wrap the year in to comment to pay homage, it would probably be in this short song:
“Ain’t no Eyjafjallajökull too high, ain’t no catastrophizing event too large for me to ever Wikileak your priapsm issues online with glee; as to defriend you, would be a tragic thing.”
Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year.