I have done little on SEO and building site traffic. There seems to be a network of cross linking developing as my articles get pick-up on other directory website and other blogs. Not surprising my most successful article has been “Building Your Brand on Sex”. Go figure…sex sells. Interestingly, several websites that track celebrities have pick-up the reference of Calvin Klein. So this article keeping getting exposure (pun intended) on a number of websites.
I finally found the courage to ask my social marketing consultants to comment on my blog. Here is what they had to say:
Dave Knox writes:
Hey Derrick
Looks like your blog is going great. Just finished reading many of the articles and I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work!
Trisha Okubo writes:
Checked out your blog, and overall it looks great! Comments below:
- Move the about blurb above the fold.
- Increase the size of the text. Lots of small text can be hard on the eyes
- Add more pictures! I know it can be a challenge to find great pictures for your topic, but it's worth it. Pictures draw people in to your blog, and they help to break up the text.
- Where possible, try bullet points or numbered lists, or pull quotes. Or even bolding important points. This will help give your text more life.
- Once you have more posts, I'd recommend a related posts plugin to help recirculate traffic to older posts. Your content is evergreen, and it doesn't really get stale...so people would benefit from reading stuff from your archives.
Hope that helps, Derrick!
Great feedback! Thanks guys for your input and suggestions. So I continue to build my personal brand.
Happy blogging!