Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Google - Top Global Brand

Google was recently rated as the top global brand by BRANDZ™ (a rating system developed by market research and consultancy Millward Brown.). I am not so sure it is top of my brand cellar. I use it because it’s just there and seems to be the best search engine tool. But it has no memorable experience with my palette. I don’t have any affinity to the brand nor do I know or feel much attachment to it. It’s a tool that gets me somewhere, if there was a better tool out there I would quickly move on with out any guilt. I have no ill-feelings towards the Google brand I don’t have any fond memories or lasting impression – more like water than wine. This brand has the risk of become relevant in the future if they don’t make a solid and meaningful connect to their consumer. Do you remember Netscape? I guess it’s irrelevant.

Score - 84