Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My Personal Branding Update - Month Two

Well, two months have passed – quickly. I am now hooked on this idea of posting my thoughts on a regular basis. I am getting a handful of regular viewers (you might be one of them – thanks again for your interest) with the number of unique visitors progressively growing.

This month I have been spending time trying to build the visibility of my blog with the various directories and search engines. I recently made the top 20 list of Blogged under blogs tag with ‘branding.’ This blog is in 19th position with a “very good” rating (7.5/10). Blogged editors review, rate and categorize blogs so people can find quality blogs.

The CEO and founder of SEOmoz's, know as “Randfish,” has complied a great list of 21 tactics to increase blog traffic. I have followed most of his recommendations. I have also added a Google sitemap to my blog to help the spiders find my site. There is also another great reference source written by Robert Woodhead, called SelfPromotion. provides matter-of-fact information on how you can do a better job of promoting your site.

I have also posted several new articles on two article submission websites:

At this point in time, I am encouraged but I am still doubtful that this will amount to anything more than it is today.

Thanks again for reading this.